Sunday, May 17, 2009


"Nothing is secure but life, transition, the energizing spirit."

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Well, we are in the middle of the transition right now from Winter to SUMMER!
I can't believe it is finally here! Just like the quote says, I am totally feeling an energized spirit at the thought of our new schedule for the summer!! Despite the fact that my days will consist of me working straight all day from 6:45 am until 3:45, and then school from 5:30-9:00, I am still so jazzed about all the new possibilities!!

This was totally me when I walked out of my last final...

I sort of thought that this feeling of complete, uncontrollable JOY wouldn't really come after the 1st semester of your SIXTH year of college (yes, 6, that is the right number) but it totally did!!

Now, I get to start my TEACHING PROGRAM on Monday!! Everything finally worked out, and hopefully this will be me in one short year...

Here are some other things that have come to an end this month....

1. The Royal Park Ward: Josh and I will be changing wards as of next week! It's so crazy, but we will be going to the married student ward down at BSU. We are so so so excited. It will be great to be with people who are in our same situation.... We loved this family ward, but we are excited for the new transition! Here we are on our last day there...

2. PRIMARY CLASS: Leaving the ward also meant me leaving my primary class!! so sad... I had about 14 cute, CRAZY girls, the 11-12 year olds. They were pretty crazy, but I'll miss them. We had some fun with the camera on our last day.

3. KAYLA'S JUNIOR YEAR: We also got to help Kayla get ready for her JUNIOR PROM!! Her Junior Year is also rapidly coming to a close, and I can't believe she only has one left!! Since we have lived here, we have gotten to go to so many of her games and see her at dances and things, it was so fun to be a part of it!! She was actually in charge of Prom because of Student Council, and her and my MOM did so much of the planning and decorating! My other sisters helped too... (I didn't cuz it was Lindsay's so fun bridal shower). Here she is with her date Chris.

Ally and I did her hair...

She looked so so so GORGEOUS and it was so fun to see her off!! Great work lil Kay!

With so many things coming to a close, we have so many things to look forward too! Our new ward, our new schedules and school programs, Josh working LONG days until 8 at night (not really looking forward to this), discovering ZUMBA at the gym and loving every second of it, best summer of MOVIES ever, HARRY POTTER 6, and the best part, hanging out with our friends the Lookharts and the Barnes all summer long!!

Here are a few sneak peaks at some things we get to blog about here soon.

1. Josh's new summer project....a little pocket bike!!

2. A little of this coming up on JULY 1st for our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!

3. An amazing fun weekend that will hopefully involve THIS next weekend with our friends Seth, Sue, Brad, Jeff, Amy, and baby Maxton!! Can't wait!!

Needless to say, we are EXCITED FOR SUMMER!!