Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Strength of the Gospel

Well, so much has happened lately, and we have had so many amazing experiences happen in our lives. I can't wait to post pictures and talk about my beautiful little sister's bridal shower and amazing wedding. She was such a gorgeous bride. I am finishing up student teaching, and the baby is coming in less than 2 months!! We even bought a crib!

But, before I can post all those things, something completely tragic happened last night, and it has really made me think about a lot of things. I just found out today that last night, a family in my ward got in a car accident. The mom and four of her daughters were driving in the van to go visit a brother in Rexburg. It was the first time that the 15 year old was driving on the interstate, as she had just gotten her license. They were in a terrible car accident, and one of the daughters, Courtni, was killed at the scene. I just can't even begin to imagine the pain they must be in as a family. The mom is still in a coma, last I heard, and two of the daughters were in intensive care. I am, however, so completely in shock that Courtni passed away.

I had the wonderful pleasure of teaching Courtni in primary for about 6 months. Then, she turned 12 and moved to the young women's, and starting in January, I was called to be the Young Women's sports coordinator. I got to talk to Courtni all the time. She was a dancer, and we swapped stories alot about dance competitions and hours of practices. Also, we recently finished up young women's basketball. Courtni was always my first young woman to show up, and was so excited to play and be there. I teased her about her shot, and she really did get better as the weeks went on. It was so fun to see her grow every week. I really had a great relationship with Courtni, and she was such a smart, cheerful girl. I wanted to take her a thank-you-for-playing-basketball gift or treat, and I never did it... now it's too late. It is really unbelievable how fast things can change.

I just can't wrap my mind around the fact that she is no longer on this earth. I really can't even begin to imagine what the family must be going through. I have been so stressed lately, with so much going on with school, baby, wedding, work, and everything. Then, once I heard this news, I really had to stop and think. It caught me totally off guard, and made me think about the gospel perspective. It really put things in perspective for me. It made me even more eternally grateful to have the gospel in our lives. Only a testimony of the Savior and the plan of salvation could get someone through an experience like this. I am so so happy that we have the strength of the gospel to help us through tragic times. I know so many prayers are with the Henretti family right now. I still just can't believe that she died. She is such a young, innocent girl, with her whole life ahead of her. Josh keeps reminding me that the Lord is in charge, and that she must have been needed on the other side. Still, my heart breaks for the loss of her life, but I really am grateful for the gospel. If it wasn't for my testimony of the plan of salvation, I wouldn't be able to cope with this or anything like this that happens in our lives. i can't imagine what the family must feel, but I just pray that their friends and family will be uplifted and strengthend through this time. Send your prayers their way.

Anyway, I know that our Savior loves each of his children so much, and I know that Courtni is being watched over and loved on the other side. A similar situation happened about 6 years ago, when a young girl I coached on the Lowell Scott Dance Team died at a young women's activity. The picture above really helped me get through that, and I know when I look at it, that our Savior is with Courtni right now too. I just couldn't let this pass me by without saying how thankful I am for my testimony, and the support I have from the Gospel. I am so sorry for this family and their tragedy. I hope everyone takes a minute to stop and appreciate the family and friends that have, and tell them they love them everyday. Things change so fast... I know families are eternal, and as we are getting ready to start our little family, I know that testimony will keep us strong and together, no matter what...