Thursday, August 19, 2010

"Mrs. Davis"

A phrase that I will be hearing a lot soon... because I start at my first teaching job in one week!!

I cant even believe it! I feel so lucky that I even got to interview since the teaching market is sooo awful right now, but I got a call last week that I will be teaching U.S. History at Renaissance High School! It's a part time job, which I am thrilled about, because I get to spend one or two days a week with Lily!! I am nervous to start and make a syllabus and try to figure things out, but I think it's the first step to finally getting my teaching career underway... I will let you know how it goes. Hopefully I wont have too many paper airplanes thrown at my head the first week...

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Growing SO Fast...

I really can't believe that my baby is three months old. I just look back at these newborn pictures, and I have to admit that I miss this little teeny thing! But she is growing up so cute... I love her more everyday! But it's always fun to take a moment and remember just how far she has come already....

We couldn't be happier...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Lily's Weekend

Lily's first Fourth of July was extra special because it was the day she had her baby blessing! The whole weekend was so awesome... we had family come in to town, and all of her aunts and uncles and grandparents got to be there! We had an amazing lunch afterwards, and a fun bbq for the Fourth. I really love this holiday, and it was so fun to have it combined with Lily's blessing weekend! Josh did such an amazing job, and it was the sweetest blessing ever. He really is such an incredible father.

Lily looked like such a beautiful angel in her white dress and booties. She was the perfect baby through the whole blessing, and I was such a happy mama.

Here are some photos from the weekend.

Her little booties...

Our matching bracelets for the big day

Just after that, Josh had his 25th birthday! Lily and I decorated the apartment for him, and we spent a fun day eating lunch at his favorite place, Buffalo Wild Wings, watched a movie "Despicable Me", and had cake and games with the family and friends. I just absolutely love Joshua, and I was so happy we got to celebrate his first birthday as a dad! He really is my best friend, and he keeps us all together and going strong. We love you Joshy...
Happy Birthday hunny!

A Lily Update...

Lily is now 3 months old!! Ahhh...i can't even believe it! She is so much bigger and stronger! We watched some footage from the hospital when she was born, and its so shocking how much different she looks!

- She is so much more interactive and smiley! She has cute little giggle sounds, and babbles constantly. She really tells the best stories. She is finding new sounds in her voice and new faces all the time. Her smile really does just melt your heart, and she is so fun to talk with for hours.
- She can defintiely recognize Josh and I by our voices and by sight, and there is nothing like seeing her little face light up and smile when she sees us.
- She is sleeping through the night most nights 6-8 hours, and really is such a good, good baby.
- She absolutely loves music, and she does her "dancing" by kicking her legs and waving her arms sooo fast when she hears it, smiling the whole time. It's quite adorable...
- She likes to imitate faces and sounds, and she likes it when you imitate her too.
- Her eyes are still bright blue, and her hair gets longer and blonder all the time! Who would of thought that I would have a blond, blue eyed baby! Atleast for now, anyway...
- We just love our little angel... she is growing up way too fast.

Well, once again, way too long of a post, but I never seem to find the time to keep us updated. Things are going really well, and we are really looking forward to the fall when the weather gets cooler and the colors start to change! Josh will be starting his computer program at school this fall, and I am looking forard to seeing some Broadway shows in Boise!! For our anniversary, Josh got me season tickets, which means I get to see WICKED in May!! I can NOT wait...

Love you guys!! Here are some photos of the little one to make you smile :)