Thursday, February 24, 2011

2011... and a 9 month old already!


What an awesome new start the New Year brings. I made Josh sit down with me and type out goals in several categories for 2011. I know he is not a huge planner, but for me, it makes me feel so excited to see it all on paper. Totally motivating to go out there and get things done.

And then January 2nd happens...

...and things already start to slip a little bit. BUT, I am not giving up, and I think 2011 is going to bring some great things for us! I got a BodyBugg, we have a fun trip planned, great goals to save for, Josh is still doing awesome in school, I am going to finish my first year of teaching, and of course the MOST IMPORTANT one is seeing how fast Lily is growing up!!

9 months

It's hard for me to even say that I have a 9 month old already, and she will actually be 10 months here in a couple weeks. Words can't express how much I have loved this little girl growing up in my arms. She is the most absolute precious thing in my life. I am amazed when I wake up every morning and hear her cute babblings and her rolling around in her bed, and I actually love her even more than the day before. Every day that happens. more and more love. She is amazing.

SO FULL of personality and spirit. She makes everyone around her laugh and feel so good. Here are some other things she is doing lately...
- clapping up a storm
- waving and saying "bye" to everyone, unless she doesn't like you, and then you get either the looking-up-at-you-from-under-my-furrowed-brow look, or the shy turn-my-face-away-and-look-down move, but it's mostly the waving and waving....
- she babbles and "talks" ALL the time... and she is getting quite loud
- she loves to imitate everything we do, and loves it when we imitate her. Josh and lily can go back and forth for hours just imitating each other and laughing and laughing
- she is so intrigued with small, detailed things. she flips all of her toys over until she finds the screws on the bottom, and then just carefull points and and pokes them over and over.
- she is mastering mama and dada and baba, and an occsionally hi, baby, and tons of other sounds. she even gets the random "gmpa", which makes her grandpas smile so big
- not crawling yet, but oh so mobile. she can scoot and roll and reach and dive everywhere
- she loves pulling her socks off her toes and her hats off her head, and then just looks at me and laughs as if to say "nice try mom...i am NOT wearing that"
- her hair is getting quite long, and even curly a bit in the back!! with Josh and I both having stick straight hair, I am so excited if she keeps that!

There are so many other things I could say, but as we speak, the little Munchkin is in need of some love and play time. I can't believe that she will be ONE in only three months. That seems crazy to me.... She truly is the best thing that ever happened to our family, and we love her with all our hearts.

Here are some pictures of Lily each month so far... It's crazy to see how much she has grown up!!


One Month

Two Months

Three Months

Four Months

Five Months

Six Months

Seven Months

Eight Months


We love you little girl!!!

Holidays 2010

We had such a very Merry Christmas... two months ago.

One of my resolutions for 2011 was to keep a better family history, like photos organized, journals, and keeping a blog updated. So far... I have definitely done a big fat ZERO when it comes to blogging. I would have already posted about New Years, My birthday, Snow in January, 2nd semester of teaching, Valentines Day, McCall, and Lily swimming for the first time, which was absolutely adorable.

Well, I guess it's better late than never, and I got to start somewhere. So here are some random Christmas pictures in no particular order.

We got to spend Christmas Eve at my parent's house. It was full of games, great food, matching PJ's, and family traditions (my favorite part of Christmas). Josh's parents came over for dinner as well, as did the Petersons. It was great to be with everybody. It makes me so grateful for family and the blessing to live so close to them.

Lily loved her first holiday season....

Since Lily truly is a princess (and a bit of a diva most of the time :), and we love her just the way she is) it seemed perfect that she got her own little throne that matched her room perfectly from Grandma and Grandpa. Now she has a great place to be able to read all of her books!

Grandpa Scott helping her to open presents

She was quite spoiled as the only grandbaby and niece on both sides.

I really wanted to get her the perfect "First Christmas Dolly", and I thought this one was so cute.

Christmas morning with the munchie!

She looked like a little Santa Baby in her Christmas PJ's!

Lily got a high chair FINALLY, and was all smiles about it.

Mama and baby on Christmas Eve

I still have to get her everything that says "My 1st Christmas", or whatever holiday it happens to be.

Our little snowbunny loved the holidays

Seeing Santa at the mall

Lily playing with her friend Crew at the BSU bowl game

All the girls on Christmas eve....

The boys! We are up to THREE now! wow....

The whole family!! Matching jammies will probably have to stop here soon.... so many of us!

TONS of awesome loves from her aunties

We went to Lily's first sporting event and went to cheer on my Dad at his hockey game!

Overall, it was an awesome Holiday season. Lily truly made our lives so incredible in 2010, and we are looking forward to another incredible year with her growing up way too fast.