Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Have you ever thought you found the perfect match for you? Or ever thought that you could never love again? I found that a long time ago but thought that it was just a fantasy life that could never happen. Until one day my fantasy came to life. I found the love of my life and never let her slip from out of grasp. At moments i only held on with the tip of my pinky finger but i never let her slip. She is my dream wife. Everything about her just reminds me that heavenly father is there watching over us. She has been sent her to guide me and to answer many prayers through out my life but now she is by my side so that we can learn and make decisions together. I love her with all my heart and will never let her slip out of my arms. The world would be a sad place with out love but eternity would not even exist without true love. I hope everyone, at one point in their life, will experience the feeling of true love at one point in their life and be able to love someone the way that i love now. Never have i known what it felt like or even known what love was until there was her. :)

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